Diaper Lovers 2004-01

In no way do we imply or is it to be interpreted that our models are minors.
Content is of ADULTS depicted always as ADULTS wearing diapers and baby style clothing.
Mommies and Babysitters Archive | A to B | C to G | H to J | K to L | M | Maria | N to V | W to Z

Danni + Alana's Photos
Mummy Alana and the cutest adorable Danni

01 - 52 Pics | 60 sec Video Mommy Alana breast feeds AB Danni who is wearing cloth diapers and plastic pants.
02 - 41 Pics | 60 sec Video Pt 1. Mommy Alana is ironing diapers when naughty AB Danni pulls at the iron electric cable so Mommy Alana spanks her.
04 - 55 Pics | 60 sec Video Mommy Alana is breast feeding cute AB Danni who is wearing a cloth diaper and plastic pants.
05 - 55 Pics | 60 sec Video Mommy Alana feeds a very hungry and messy Danni in her high chair. Danni is wearing a cloth diaper.

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